速報APP / 教育 / Offline Pashto Dictionary

Offline Pashto Dictionary





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Peshawar University Road Peshawar VIP Hostel

Offline Pashto Dictionary(圖1)-速報App

Pashto Dictionary is innovative, fastest and well managed dictionary with more then 75k words. Translate words from Pashto to English or English to Pashto with the help of our best pashto dictionary app . We provide not only dictionary English-Pashto or Pashto to English but also large amount of pashto idioms pashto proverbs in this dictionary app .This Pashto translate to english dictionary is best for those people who try to learn pashto or english from yearning , but not found good source to learn pashto or english , this app give you every word witth complete details of pashto and English .English To Pashto Dictionary is a quick reference guide with meaning available for almost all pashto and English words.

The English to Pashto dictionary feature allows you to search for Pashto meanings of the English words, whereas, the Pashto to English dictionary feature of the app allows you to search for English meanings of the Pashto words.The perfect Pashto Dictionary For all the Pashto speakers who are interested in learning English and for all the English speakers who are interested in learning Pashto, the English to Pashto dictionary app is the best solution of learning more about either of the languages. The English to Pashto and Pashto to English dictionary feature allows you to search for Pashto meanings of the English words, whereas, the Pashto to English dictionary feature of the app allows you to search for English meanings of the Pashto words.

Offline Pashto Dictionary(圖2)-速報App

Offline Pashto Dictionary(圖3)-速報App

Offline Pashto Dictionary(圖4)-速報App

Offline Pashto Dictionary(圖5)-速報App

Offline Pashto Dictionary(圖6)-速報App